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Scared. Feared. Worried. Confused.

All the adjectives mentioned above could not describe my feelings now...
I really don't know how should I face it...

For your information,
the interview list for PPISMP programme will be announced at 5th of May 2014, 4 p.m.
Today is 2/5/2014, this means there is three days more that I have to wait.

Oh my gosh! I'm so worried to that!
This is because I'm really not confident to my Teacher Certification Test (UKCG)
especially Physical Fitness Test (UKF)....
I have to admit that I did not scored it well in both parts..
But since it was past, I have to let it be...

Hopefully I can be shortlisted in the interview list,
I really want to be a dedicated teacher!! Seriously...

In this period, I have to continue my studies @ Form 6 first....
It will be a hard work to me again,
coz I have to waste time for changing my major to Art Stream...
I really dislike science subjects....
SPM was my bad dream :(

Hopefully all the gods will give a hand and let me enter the Institute of Teacher Education..
Don't worry, be happy!!
Hey Kelvin, cheer up!!


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