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Aww God it's break again!

It's time for Mid semester break.
Frankly speaking, I really had a hard time in this few months.
Regardless studies or other official matters as well as relationships,
all of them did not go well actually. 
Thank God, I have overcome most of them at this time moment.
I do appreciate the effort from my pillars of support that you guys never abandon me.
Instead, you do accept to my laughter as well as my tears.
I didn't purposely emotionally down but it's really my fault that I did exaggerate mistakes from my friends who I really care about. 
This is the mistake that I have to reflect thoroughly.

As the time goes too fast and my work goes too slow,
I don't really update my blog post often.
There're memories that worth to be written 
and there're injuries that are not really to be remembered. 
As long as my love ones are doing fine and good,
then I am good, regardless whether I am beside them.
Something needs to be let go, then you're free.
"Free, free, body and soul free."
The quote from "The Story of An Hour" which I would never forget,
simply because that's one of my life goals.

I don't really remember the times I felt unhappy, sad, and desperate.
Instead, I remember that I have solved the conflicts with some of my friends.
Thank to Malam Mesra Jabatan Bahasa 2016, 
I do believe that I have grown up at least a little throughout this event.
Have faith to my friends, our friendship would last long.
"Friendship forever",
This phrase is just too fake .... at least until I get graduated okay.
Love you lots, sincerely.

Anyway, rest well in this mid-semester break
because I will get tortured during School Based Experience Phase 2 in this coming Monday.
May God bless me.


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